Kodály Summer School 2025 | Musical Skills Modules
Musical Skills Module
The Musical Skills Module is designed to develop key musical abilities and consists of:
Vocal Technique
These modules can be taken for accreditation or general interest.
Accreditation Requirements
To be eligible for accreditation, you must:
✔ Attend online Musicianship classes before Summer School – dates are listed on this page
✔ Participate in live classes at Summer School
✔ Complete the required assessments
Find out more about each module below.
Level 1/2
This level is recommended for anyone with little or no prior musical knowledge. This class will cover the basics of solfa, handsigns and rhythm names and be an introduction to musical reading and writing.
Level 3/4
This level is recommended for those with a secure musical background (Diploma/degree in music) but is new to solfa. The class will move very quickly through the basics of solfa, handsigns, rhythm names and will assume a strong theoretical knowledge.
Level 5/6
This level is recommended for those who have completed level 4 and have a strong understanding and working knowledge of pentatonic and diatonic music. This level may introduce triads, further work on pentatonic and diatonic music and altered pitches.
Level 7 and above
This level is recommended for those who have a strong understanding of relative solfa and would like to move on further to more advance reading and harmonic work.
Musical Theatre Musicianship
For those singers involved in musical theatre who are new pr relatively new to solfa and musicianhip training.
The Conducting Module is available at three levels to suit different levels of experience:
Beginner – Tutor: Lynne Clark
Ideal for those with no prior conducting experience.
Intermediate – Tutor: James Cuskelly
Designed for those with some conducting experience and a working knowledge of basic beat patterns and simple cues.
Advanced – Tutor: Árpád Tóth
Suitable for those with considerable conducting experience looking to refine their skills and technique.
Vocal Technique with Wilma MacDougal
- Compulsory for Early Childhood Level 2 students.
- Optional for Primary and Secondary students pursuing certification. (To complete all three levels of pedagogy, Primary and Secondary students must complete two Conducting modules and one Vocal Technique module.)
Wilma has had the privilege of teaching singers of all ages and abilities for over 30 years as well as working with educators to help them care for their own voice. She looks forward to sharing some of the best practically-adaptable, easily-accessible well-proven facts and technical exercises – very useful ‘add-ons’ for your own area of expertise and enjoyment of singing.
✔ Attendance at both choirs is required to complete the Musical Skills Module (not graded—attendance is sufficient).
Morning Choir – Classical
Led by Árpád Tóth
Afternoon Choir – Musical Theatre
Led by Allan Hubert Wright
Engage in a dynamic choral experience, exploring both classical and musical theatre styles under expert guidance.