Regional Choirs

Regional Choir Recruitment Workshops

As well as being fun, singing together in a choir has many benefits for children’s development and well-being. These include gaining music education, making friends and boosting confidence through performing. Singing also helps to develop literacy, concentration and memory.

Led by experienced music teachers and choir leaders, NYCOS Regional Choirs meet once a week during term time, where children learn and sing together with others their age.

We have a fun and informal way of assessing singers: children try out simple singing and musical games in groups, which enables our staff to select singers for membership of the choir. After the session, we will be in touch to let you know whether your child has been selected to be come a member.

Sign up for a Regional Choir Recruitment workshop here

  • Child Details:

  • Please select a school year from the list below.
  • Please select a choir from the list below.

  • Parent/Carer Details: